ISSN 1301 - 0883 | E-ISSN: 1309-3886
Eastern Journal Of Medicine - Eastern J Med: 28 (2)
Volume: 28  Issue: 2 - 2023
1. Measurement of postoperative liver volume changes in patients with gastric cancer by computed tomography
Adem Yokuş, Harun Arslan, zülküf Akdemir, İbrahim Akbudak, Necat Almalı, çetin kotan, Erkan Doğan
doi: 10.5505/ejm.2023.12129  Pages 206 - 210

2. Examination Of Health Fatalism And Health Literacy In Patients With Heart Failure
Gülcan Bahçecioğlu Turan, Bahar Çiftçi
doi: 10.5505/ejm.2022.91298  Pages 211 - 218

3. Evaluation of Patients Identified with Polycystic Ovary Image on Ultrasonography
Mustafa Bağcı, Ahmet Başar Tekin
doi: 10.5505/ejm.2023.28003  Pages 219 - 227

4. Clinical Analysis Of Traumatic Isolated Rectal Injuries
Serhat Doğan, Bahadır Öndeş, Ali Aksu, Feyzi Kurt
doi: 10.5505/ejm.2023.11129  Pages 228 - 231

5. Examination of the Relationship Between Intermittent Fasting and Irisin Levels in Rats Fed on a High-Fat Diet
Nizamettin Günbatar, Bahattin Bulduk
doi: 10.5505/ejm.2023.81236  Pages 232 - 236

6. Comparison of atorvastatin and simvastatin modulation on adiponectin and insulin resistance in non-diabetic dyslipidemic patients
Megawaty Megawaty, Muzayyidah Muzayyidah, Yulia Yusrini Djabir, Idar Mappangara, Bogie Palinggi
doi: 10.5505/ejm.2023.80912  Pages 237 - 243

7. Evaluation of ABSI Score for the Prognosis and Length of Hospitalization of Burn Patients
Nihan Turhan, Abdulkadir Ciğer
doi: 10.5505/ejm.2023.82609  Pages 244 - 249

8. Comparison of the Results of Sacrospinous Fixation and Abdominal Sacrocolpopexy Surgery
Derya Uyan Hendem, Hasan Cemal Ark
doi: 10.5505/ejm.2023.89588  Pages 250 - 257

9. Do Mortality Risk Scores Predict The Severity Of Coronary Artery Disease In Patients With Myocardial Infarction With St Elevation?
Selim Aydemir, Emrah AKSAKAL, İBRAHİM SARAÇ, SİDAR ŞİYAR AYDIN, REMZİYE DOĞAN, Oktay GÜLCÜ, Faruk Aydinyilmaz, Kamuran kalkan, Selim topcu
doi: 10.5505/ejm.2023.81557  Pages 258 - 264

10. Comparison of Loose and Cutting Seton Methods in Anal Fistula Treatment
Haluk Tümer, Merih Altiok
doi: 10.5505/ejm.2023.46578  Pages 265 - 271

11. Essential Trace Element Levels in Patients with Cutaneous Anthrax
Irfan Binici, Mehmet Parlak, Mahmut Sunnetcioglu, Ali Irfan Baran, Mehmet Reşat Ceylan, Ali Rıza Kul, Halit Demir, Sevdegül Bilvanisi, Gizem Gizli, Zübeyir Huyut
doi: 10.5505/ejm.2023.90699  Pages 272 - 278

12. Micro and macrosurgical treatment of gingival recessions: a randomized clinical trial
tuğçe zeytinci, BEGUM ALKAN, Esra Guzeldemir-Akcakanat
doi: 10.5505/ejm.2023.50133  Pages 279 - 290

13. Seropositivity of Toxoplasma gondii among blood donors and patients with hematologic malignity
SAADET YILDIZ, Ramazan Esen, kamuran karaman, Yunus Emre Beyhan
doi: 10.5505/ejm.2023.76743  Pages 291 - 295

14. The effect of administration of methotrexate for ectopic pregnancy on ovarian reserve
Baris Boza, Mustafa Akşar, Harun Egemen Tolunay, Murat Api
doi: 10.5505/ejm.2023.77674  Pages 296 - 300

15. Is Fine Needle Aspiration Biopsy Effective in Detecting Malignancy in Giant Thyroid Nodules?
Zuhal Karaca Karagöz, Serhat Doğan, Feyzi Kurt, Burcu Özgür Çil, Burhan Hakan Kanat
doi: 10.5505/ejm.2023.05935  Pages 301 - 306

16. Investigation of Matrix Metalloproteinase-2, Matrix Metalloproteinase-9, Tissue Matrix Metalloproteinase Inhibitor-1, and Tissue Matrix Metalloproteinase Inhibitor-2 levels in preeclamptic and eclamptic pregnancy
Erdal Özmen, Hanım Güler Şahin
doi: 10.5505/ejm.2023.46872  Pages 307 - 313

17. Is the Multifocality Rate in Thyroid Cancer Patients Increasing Over the Years
Muhammed Gömeç, Mustafa Asım Gedikli, Seyit Ahmet Ertürk, Zekiye Hasbek
doi: 10.5505/ejm.2023.18853  Pages 314 - 319

18. Clinical and Radiological Evaluation of Childhood Arachnoid Cyst Cases
Nesrin Ceylan, Halil Çelik, Fatih Mehmet Akif Özdemir, Ülkühan Öztoprak, Yasemin Taşcı Yıldız, Betul Derinkuyu, Erhan Aksoy
doi: 10.5505/ejm.2023.01112  Pages 320 - 324

19. A Research of Emergency Service Admission Due to Home Accidents before and during the Covid-19 (Sars-Cov-2) Pandemic in Ankara (Turkey)
Yavuz Hekimoğlu, Burak Taştekin, Gülhan Kurtoğlu Çelik, Ahmet Emre Ay, Mahmut Aşırdizer
doi: 10.5505/ejm.2023.45336  Pages 325 - 333

20. Evaluation Of Serum MicroRNA Levels And Mutations Using Next-Generation Sequencing Of Liquid Biopsies From Metastatic Pancreatic Cancer Patients: A Turkish Pilot Study
Atike Gökçen Demiray, Aydın Demiray
doi: 10.5505/ejm.2023.79446  Pages 334 - 351

21. Can Adropin peptides be a biomarker for traumatic brain injury? A prospective study
Senol Arslan, Orhan Delıce, Mevlana Omeroglu, Engin Sebin
doi: 10.5505/ejm.2023.60376  Pages 352 - 356

22. Early Diagnosed Infant: Coffin Siris Syndrome by Novel Frameshift Mutation in ARID1B
Ipek Dokurel Çetin, Meltem Uzun, Mehmet Türe
doi: 10.5505/ejm.2023.20053  Pages 357 - 360

23. Steroid Responsive Abdominal Cocoon Syndrome Secondary To Peritoneal Dialysis; A Rare Case Presentation
Mehmet Erdem, Yasemin Usul Soyoral, Azad Duman
doi: 10.5505/ejm.2023.17003  Pages 361 - 364

24. The Importance of Radiological Imaging in the Medicolegal Evaluation of Gunshot Wounds: A Case Report
Mehmet Sunay Yavuz, Volkan Zeybek, Gökmen Karabağ, Aylin Akın, İrem Erbaş
doi: 10.5505/ejm.2023.90592  Pages 365 - 368

25. Autologous Platelet Concentrates: Their Generations, Forms, Preparation Protocols and Roles in Periodontal Regeneration
doi: 10.5505/ejm.2023.84758  Pages 369 - 377

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