The EASTERN JOURNAL OF MEDICINE is a multidisciplinary peer - reviewed medical journal, published quarterly by the Yuzuncu Yil University, Faculty of Medicine, Van, Turkey. To insure a timely publication process, authors are asked to read the following instructions carefully.
Submissions considered for publication in EASTERN JOURNAL OF MEDICINE are received on the understanding that they have not been accepted for publication elsewhere and that all of the authors agree to the submission. The journal requires approval of manuscript submission by all authors. A covering letter signed by all authors constitutes submission approval. Manuscripts will not receive a final decision until a completed Copyright Status Form has been received. As soon as the article is published, the author is to have considered transferred his right to the publisher. This transfer will ensure the widest possible dissemination of information under Turkish Copyright Law. All concepts, ideas, comments, manuscripts, illustrations, and all other materials disclosed or offered to the Yuzuncu Yil University, Faculty of Medicine, in connection with this Journal are submitted without any restrictions or expectation of confidentiality. The Yuzuncu Yil University, Faculty of Medicine shall have no financial or other obligations to you when you do not submit such information, nor shall you assert any proprietary or moral right of any kind with respect to such submissions. The Yuzuncu Yil University, Faculty of Medicine shall have the right to use, publish, reproduce, transmit, download, upload post, display or otherwise distribute your submissions in any manner without notice or compensation to you.
Investigations on human subjects should conform to accepted ethical standards. Fully informed consent should be obtained and noted in the manuscript. For all manuscripts dealing with experimental work involving human subjects, specify that informed consent was obtained following a full explanation of the procedure (s) undertaken. Patients should be referred to by number; do not use real names or initials. Also the design of special scientific research in human diseases or of animal experiments should be approved by the ethical committee of the institution or conform to guidelines on animal care and use currently applied in the country of origin.
All contributions should be written in English. Spelling should be American English. In general, manuscripts should be prepared according to International Committee of Medical Journal Editors. Uniform requirements for manuscripts submitted to biomedical journals. JAMA 1997; 269: 927- 934. Manuscript should be as concise and clear as possible. Manuscripts not following Instruction to Authors will be returned to the authors.
Only English articles will be accepted. Prior to submission, manuscripts prepared by authors whose native language is not English should be edited for proper spelling, grammar, and syntax by a professional editor or colleague fluent in English.
Materials reviewed for publication in The EASTERN JOURNAL OF MEDICINE include the following:
Editorials will present the opinions of leaders in all subjects of medicine.
Original articles.
Original clinical or laboratory investigation of clinical subjects should be reported. The material should be presented as concisely as possible.
Review articles.
Eastern Journal of Medicine considers only invited reviews for publication. Reviews should document and synthesize current information on timely subjects.
Case reports.
A case report should describe a new disease, or confirmation of a rare or new disease; a new insight into pathogenesis, etiology, diagnosis, or treatment; or a new finding associated with a currently known disease.
Rapid communications.
These should be short papers, brief laboratory investigations and preliminary communications, which report new and exciting results requiring rapid publication.
These should be submitted in response to material published in the journal to make small clinical points or to introduce a point of view. Letters do not carry an abstract.
Book reviews.
Reviews of newly published literature of interest.
Manuscripts should be submitted with text and tables, preferably in a recent Word or Word Perfect for Windows format. If article is submitted electronically, there is no need to send a hard copy. However, the Copyright Status Form should be sent by regular mail within 2 weeks of submission of article. Manuscripts should be clearly in double spacing on one side of good quality A4 paper (30 x 21 cm), using 2.5 cm margins. Pages should be numbered consequently in the top right - hand corner, commencing with the Title Page and including those containing Acknowledgements, References, Tables, and Figures.
Conventional Manuscript
The manuscript should be arranged as follows, with each section beginning on a separate page, except in the category of Rapid communications.
Covering letter.
A cover letter, in which the authors certify that the work submitted to The EASTERN JOURNAL OF MEDICINE has not been published elsewhere, in any form and that it is not being submitted simultaneously to another journal, should accompany the manuscript. A Copyright Status Form (see next page) signed by all authors must accompany each manuscript.
Title page.
The category of manuscripts (as listed above) should appear on the title page. The title on the title page should contain no more than 80 letters and spaces. A running title of no more than 40 letters and spaces should be supplied. Each author’s first and last name as well as middle initial, highest academic degree, name of department(s) and institutions to which the work should be attributed, and address should appear. The author to whom communications will be directed should be designated and his or her telephone and FAX number and E - mail addresses (obligatory for submission) provided.
The abstract should be no longer than 250 words for full - length articles and commensurately shorter for brief communications and case reports. Abstracts should summarize the problem addressed, investigational approach, results, and relevant conclusions.
Key words.
No more than nine key words that will assist indexer in cross - indexing the article should be supplied. It is recommend that authors consult the medical subject heading from Index Medicus.
Main text
The text of observational and experimental articles is usually divided into sections with headings Materials and Methods, Results and Discussion. Long articles may need subheading within some sections. The purpose of the article and the rational for the study or observation should be summarized in an introductory paragraph. Materials and Methods should be described in sufficient detail to leave the reader in no doubt as to how the results were obtained. Results should be presented in a logical sequence in the text. Tables and figures should not include material appropriate to the discussion. Discussion: The new and important aspects of the study and the conclusions should be emphasized, without repeating data in detail. This section should consider the implications of the finding and their limitations. Link the conclusions with the goals of the study, and relate the observations to other relevant studies. New hypotheses and recommendations, when appropriate, may be included. Acknowledgement should be made only to persons who have made genuine contributions and who endorse the data and conclusions.
References must be double - spaced and cited in text by using Arabic numerals in the order in which they appear in the text. Abbreviate titles of the journals according to Index Medicus. Unpublished data and personal communications should be given in round parentheses in the text and not as references. List all authors or editors, but if the number exceeds six, give three followed by et al. Examples of correct reference format:
Standard journal articles:
EJM journal has no page charge. The auhtors don’t need to pay any fee for the publication of their article. However, there is an article submission and proccessing charge that need to be paid during the submission applied and began from the 27/06/2022. This payment is not depend on the acceptance or rejection of the articles. The authors should upload the payment receipt document as supplementary file with neccessary article’s data during the first submisson. The explanation should be added to the receipt during payment.The payment data are as follows:
Amount: 1105 TL + %18 KDV (1303 TL)
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Submission Preparation Checklist
As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
Copyright Notice
The copyright of the articles accepted for publication belong to the Eastern Journal of Medicine. “Copyright Transfer Form” that will be sent to the e - mail of the corresponding author after acceptance of the manuscript for publication (This form must be signed by corresponding author and should be returned to the editorial office.
Privacy Statement
The names and email addresses entered in this journal site will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party.