ISSN 1301 - 0883 | E-ISSN: 1309-3886
Orthorexia nervosa predisposition and eating behaviors in hypertension patients: A case-control study [Eastern J Med]
Eastern J Med. 2024; 29(2): 193-200 | DOI: 10.5505/ejm.2024.36539

Orthorexia nervosa predisposition and eating behaviors in hypertension patients: A case-control study

SAFIYE YANMIS1, Gülcan Bahçecioğlu Turan2, ZÜLFÜNAZ ÖZER3
1Internal Medicine Nursing, Faculty of Health Sciences, Erzincan Binali Yıldırım University,Erzincan/Turkey
2Internal Medicine Nursing, Faculty Of Health Sciences, Firat University,Elazıg/Turkey
3Internal Medicine Nursing, Faculty of Health Sciences, İstanbul Sabahattin Zaim University, İstanbul/Turkey

INTRODUCTION: The aim of this case-control study is to evaluate whether there is a difference between individuals with hypertension and healthy individuals in terms of orthorexia nervosa and eating attitudes
METHODS: This case-control study was conducted with hypertension patients (n=218) and healthy individuals (n=226) who met the research criteria in an internal medicine clinic and outpatient clinics of a university hospital between April and June 2021. The data were collected with face-to-face interview method by using “Descriptive Information Form”, “Orthorexia Nevrosa-11 (ORTO-11) Scale” and “Eating Attitude Scale (EAT-26)”.
RESULTS: ORTO-11 score of HT patients was found as 26.39±4.96, while ORTO-11 score of healthy individuals was found as 27.58±4.26. EAT-26 score of HT patients was found as 9.87±7.88, while EAT-26 score of healthy individuals was found as 8.31±7.31. Statistically significant difference was found between mean ORTO-11 and EAT-26 scores of groups (p<0.05). Mean scores of 59% of HT patients and 41% of healthy individuals were found to be below ORTO-11 ≤ 27. Mean scores of 14.2% of HT patients and 10.1% of healthy individuals were found to be above EAT-26 ≥20. In the regression analysis, EAT-26 (β=-0,401, p<0,001) variable was found to have a negative and significant effect on ORTO-11
DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSION: Higher orthorexia and eating disorder risk was found in hypertension patients when compared with healthy individuals. In addition, it was found that abnormal eating behavior caused individuals to show more orthorectic behavior

Keywords: Hypertension, orthorexia nervosa, eating behaviors, eating disorders, case-control studies.

Corresponding Author: SAFIYE YANMIS, Türkiye
Manuscript Language: English
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