To determine and compare the HIV/STI risk perceptions and behavior among men and women with traditionally high-risk and low-risk behavior in Chennai, India. To explore knowledge of HIV and Sexually transmitted infections (STI) and interest in and acceptability of potential microbicides and their characteristics in various subgroups. A cross-sectional survey investigating HIV knowledge, risk behavior and microbicide acceptability was conducted among 2072 participants. Participants were recruited from five target populations traditionally viewed as high- and low-risk: truck drivers, STI clinic patients, sex workers, married monogamous women, and the general population. Most participants were aware of HIV and its transmission routes, though many participants who engaged in risk behavior did not perceive themselves to be at risk for infection. Overall interest in microbicides was high. Most female participants reported willingness to use a microbicide to prevent HIV/STI transmission, but not pregnancy. Men were willing to let other sexual partners, but not primary partners, use microbicides to prevent HIV/STI. HIV/STI risk is high in men and women with high risk behavior as well as those generally considered low risk. Risk perceptions and condom use reflect concordance only in high-risk women. Interventions should be tailored to different subgroups of the population to improve accurate perceptions of risk while decreasing risky behaviors and promoting use of prevention methods and women’s ability to negotiate their use. Microbicides were acceptable in some situations, but not others. Microbicides should come in multiple formulations with and without contraceptive properties and interventions should target increasing acceptability within primary partnerships.
Keywords: HIV risk behavior, microbicide, India