INTRODUCTION: Currant (ribes) belongs to Rosales order Saxifragaceae family, Ribes genus. Ribes genus is separated to four sub-genus groups. These are; Berisia, Ribesia, Coreosma and Grossularia sub-genus groups. Ribes fall under Ribesia and Coreosma sub-genus groups. Ribes that belong to Ribesia sub-genus groups include red and white ribes while Coreosma sub-genus include black ribes. In Turkey ribes are known to have five types and these types are black fruit ribes (Ribes nigrum L.), East Black Sea ribes (Ribes orientalis L.), Alpine ribes (Ribes alpinum L.), and Caucasus ribes (Ribes biebersteinii Berl. Ex. Dc.) together with Ribes rubrum used in landscape planning and planted as decoration plant (1).
METHODS: For this study red Ribes of Ribasia sub-genus was used from among the five ribes types grown in Turkey including black fruit ribes (Ribes nigrum L.), East Black Sea ribes (Ribes orientalis L.), Alpine ribes (Ribes alpinum L.), and Caucasus ribes (Ribes biebersteinii Berl. Ex. Dc.) together with Ribes rubrum used in landscape planning and planted as decoration plant.
RESULTS: Its protective effects such as healing effects on some cancer types are known. Level of Catalase (CAT) was found to be 0.00011 U/mI on average for fresh ribes. Level of Superoxide Dismutase (SOD) was found to be 11.6960 U/mI on average for fresh ribes. The level of Reduced Glutathione (GSH) was found to be 0.00011 mmol/dI on average for fresh ribes.
DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSION: Consequently, ribes was found to have a strong antioxidant activity. Thus, ribes was demonstrated to be a protective antioxidant against various diseases.