The postpartum period is a risky period for the emergence or exacerbation of psychiatric disorders. Postpartum psychosis is the most severe psychiatric disorder in the postpartum period that requires immediate intervention. In most of the cases, the onset is immediate and it is usually in the first two weeks of postpartum period. Sleep disturbances, mood swings, delusions, hallucinations, disorganized behavior, psychomotor agitation, food rejection may be seen. Due to risk of suicide and infanticide, patients should be admitted to the hospital. The most important treatment option in addition to antipsychotic drug therapy is electroconvulsive therapy. Bipolar disorder or postpartum psychosis history, sleep deprivation, primiparity, postpartum hormone changes are important risk factors. The etiology has not been clearly identified yet, although here are many ongoing studies.
Keywords: Postpartum, postpartum psychosis, pregnancy