Objective The aim of this study was to clarify the issues as to how long the recovery state lasted after a supramaximal exercise and when the new workload should begin. Method Eleven students from İstanbul Technical University with mean age of 19.45±0.34 year , mean height of 171.45±2.02 cm and mean body weight 68.84±2.9 kg were examined to evaluate the amount of lactat in blood at 2, 5, 8 and 10 minutes after Wingate Anaerobic Power Test. Miniphotometer of Dr.Lange was used to determine the instant amount of lactate. Results Blood lactate levels were 14.6 mmol/l, 14.25 mmol/l, 15.95 mmol/l and 13.16 mmol/l at the 2, 5, 8 and 10 minute respectively after Wingate Anaerobic Power Test. Peak power, mean power and fatigue index values were 529.32±38.70 W, 410.35±21.50 W and 45.27±3.74 % respectively. Blood lactate level increased to the 8th minute of the recovery process, and at the 10th minute it decreased compared to the 8th minute. Conclusion After the supramaximal exercise lasting 30 seconds, the increase in the blood lactat level continued up to the 8th minute of the recovery period and at the 10th minute lactat dropped and eliminated. According to our study it can be said that the recovery period must be at least 10 minutes for next supramaximal exercise.
Keywords: Lactate, Wingate Test, recovery, anaerobic power.