Attention: These articles have been accepted for publication; however, this list does not indicate the order in which articles will be published. As new articles are accepted, the order displayed here will change.
1. | Effect of final irrigants on tooth discoloration in regeneration treatment Yousef Mk Saed, Ozgur Genc Sen doi: 10.5505/ejm.2025.37530 Pages 1 - 6 |
2. | Relationship of Cyclin D1 Expression with Histopathological Grading and Metastasis of Breast Cancer: A Cross-Sectional Study Irvan Tanriliwang, Salman Ardi Syamsu, Prihantono Prihantono, Djonny Ferianto, John Pieter, Indra Indra, Nilam Smaradhania, Elridho Sampepajung, Berti J Nelwan, Abdul Rahman doi: 10.5505/ejm.2025.26042 Pages 16 - 21 |
3. | Difference Between Learning Strategıes of Team-Based Learning And Case-Based Collaborative Learning Methods In Intern Physicians Hasan Hüseyin Mutlu, CEM MALAKCIOGLU, Mustafa ÇAKIR, IŞIL MARAL, Sinem YILDIZ INANICI doi: 10.5505/ejm.2025.39269 Pages 49 - 58 |