This case involves the reimplantation of an avulsed mandibular central tooth that occurred two hours after an accident. A nine-year old girl had visited nearest dental health care center complaining of an avulsed mandibular central tooth two hours after her bicycle accident. The avulsed tooth had been kept in milk in for those two hours. It was reimplanted and referred to a dentistry faculty with a composite splint. The patient presented to our clinic three days later. The non-hygienic composite splint was removed and gingivoplasty procedure was performed by a periodontologist. The new splint was applied using polythene fiber post (Ribbond) Ribbond Inc., Seattle, WA, USA). Clinically normal periodontal tissues were detected after two weeks, and endodontic treatment was begun. Root filling of the clinically asymptomatic tooth was performed after 30 days, and coronal restoration finished using composites. The tooth is still functional now after five years. The long-term prognosis for the replanted tooth is unclear. During this growth period, however, the height of the alveolar bone has been preserved and is aesthetically satisfying.
Keywords: Avulsed tooth, external root resorption, MTA, splint