INTRODUCTION: Amniocentesis is one of the safest procedures of prenatal diagnosis. This study aimed to show amniocentesis indications, rate of successful amniocyte culture, complications and outcomes of these pregnancies undergoing prenatal diagnosis in eastern part of Turkey, especially Van province and its nearby.
METHODS: Between 2018 and 2020, 253 patients were referred to our center for amniocentesis and 120 patients giving consent were enrolled from Van and its surrounding provinces. Parametric data was studied by student’s t-test. Mann–Whitney U-test was used in analyzing non-parametric data. Categorical variables were undergone chi-square test.
RESULTS: The most frequent indication was high risk in prenatal screening tests whereas the highest chromosomal abnormality was found in fetuses with abnormal ultrasonographic findings. Overall, 12.5% of fetuses had chromosomal anomaly. The most abundant chromosomal abnormality was Trisomy 21, followed by trisomy 18 and 13. Except one case with amniotic leakage no complications were found. Thirteen pregnancies were terminated whereas one fetus was born with Turner syndrome and one pregnancy resulted with stillbirth
DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSION: In conclusion, fetuses with abnormal ultrasound screening had higher chromosome anomaly diagnosed by amniocentesis and compatible with the literature, amniocentesis is a safe and succesful method of prenatal diagnosis of chromosomal abnormalities. Van and its surrounding provinces showed a high rate of chromosomal anomaly when prenatal diagnosis was done.