INTRODUCTION: The importance of screening tests gradually increases in prenatal evaluation today and they find a larger usage area.The purpose of our study was to examine the knowledge, attitudes and behaviors of pregnant women about pregnancy screening tests.
METHODS: This study included a total of 313 pregnant women followed up and treated in obstetrics polyclinic and service. The questionnaire form consisting of 57 questions was completed through face to face interviewing method in our study. Information on the sociodemographical characteristics, additional diseases, pregnancy characteristics, Rh incompatibility, gestational diabetes mellitus, double screening test, triple screening test and TORCH infections were recorded for the patients.
RESULTS: It was detected that 39.3% (n=123) didn't know about her own blood group and 65.8% didn't know (n=206) about her husband's blood group.It was detected that 79.9% (n=250) of the participants in our study heard about Rh incompatibility and 12.64% of these participants (n=30) didn't have any information on whether they had Rh incompatibility in their own pregnancies or not.In our study, it was detected that 52.8% of the pregnant women thought that OGTT should be done.
DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSION: In our study, it was observed that the knowledge levels of the pregnant women on screening tests and their ratio of taking screening tests were not satisfactory. It was detected that some of the pregnant women had wrong information on screening tests. A standard training should be programmed to inform pregnant women on the screening tests made during pregnancy and this training should be managed in Family Health Centers and hospitals.