Bilateral Intraorbital Hemorrhage with Factor XIII Deficiency after Strabismus Surgery
Erbil Seven1, Muhammed Batur1, Adnan Çinal2, Tekin Yaşar1, Ahmet Demirok31Department Of Ophthalmology, Yuzuncu Yil University, Van, Turkey 2Department Of Ophthalmology, Gazi University, Ankara, Turkey 3Department Of Ophthalmology, Medeniyet University, İstanbul, Turkey
Factor XIII deficiency is a very rare, inherited bleeding disorder. In this study, we report a child with intraorbital hemorrhage following strabismus surgery who was diagnosed postoperatively with factor XIII deficiency.
Keywords: fibrin stabilizing factor, intraorbital hemorrhage, strabismus surgery
Corresponding Author: Erbil Seven, Türkiye Manuscript Language: English