ISSN 1301 - 0883 | E-ISSN: 1309-3886
Color Distribution of The Gingiva Created by Color Schema Maker Software [Eastern J Med]
Eastern J Med. 2016; 21(2): 69-74 | DOI: 10.5505/ejm.2016.32032

Color Distribution of The Gingiva Created by Color Schema Maker Software

Burak Ak1, Barış Kaki2
1Yuzunci Yil University, Faculty of Dentistry,Department of Periodontology
2Yuzunci Yil University, Faculty of Agriculture,Department of Agricultural Biotechnology

INTRODUCTION: The aim of this study is to create a true gingival shade guide using schema maker software.
METHODS: 128 patients gingiva colors were recorded by a standardised photograph machine under standart light and distance conditions. The recorded images were analysed by Gimp software to extract RGB values by using color pick tool. RGB values were converted to CIE L*a*b* values. L* values were clustered by ward method. The avarage CIE L*a*b* values calculated. Gingiva images were layered by Gimp software and evaluated by Wenovo pictures to colors software v1.0.
RESULTS: According to this study, 3 clusters using CIE L values and 9 subclusters with using CIE a*b* values have calculated by hierarchical and k means clustering methods. 256 colors that can be used for gingiva color determination has been calculated by Wenovo color schema maker software.
DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSION: With the limits of this study, colors of the gingiva were evaluated for only white race and patients who admitted to our university.Wenovo schema maker software calculated more colors than statistical method that can be used for color determination of the gingiva. Further studies are needed to create more reliable color gingiva shade guide with a large number of patients and different races and places.

Keywords: gingival color, shade guide, Gimp, Wenovo

Corresponding Author: Burak Ak, Türkiye
Manuscript Language: English
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