In this study we planned to investigate the differences of the Candida species in the newborns’ and adults’ mouth flora, their slime production and antimicrobial susceptibility. They were identified with conventional methods (germ tube production) and carbohydrate fermentation characteristics were evaluated by Api 20 C AUX (bioMerieux-France) kits. Stock solution of fluconazole was used for antibiotic susceptibility test. A total of 18 Candida isolates; 14 C. albicans, 2 C. tropicalis, 1 C. kefyr and1 C. lusitaneae were isolated from newborns and 18 Candida strains consisting of 13 C. albicans, 4 C. tropicalis and 1 C. ciferii were isolated from the adults with decayed teeth. Slime production and fluconazole susceptibility tests were performed on these strains. As a result, 4 of 18 (22%) Candida species from newborns and 2 of 18 (11%) strains from adults teeth were observed to be potent slime producer. None of the Candida strains isolated were resistant to fluconazole.
Keywords: Candida, biofilm, fluconazole, mouth flora