Patients with chronic kidney disease (CKD) are prone to bleeding due to the platelet dysfunction caused by uraemia. Therefore, the mortality and morbidity in patients with chronic kidney disease increase. The 81-year-old female patient, in dialysis dependent CKD, had an emergency cholecystitis operation with uremia-induced platelet dysfunction has evolved. Patient with gross bleeding intraoperatively had a cardiac arrest during operation. After cardiopulmonary resusitation cardiac impulses were started and patient was taken into intensive care unit. After the administration of estrogen and Factor VIII Inhibitor Bypass Activity treatment for the bleeding diathesis, bleeding has reduced and after 6 days from the operation patient was externed to his service. The chronic kidney disease may lead to hemorrhagic diathesis and unexpected abundant bleeding by creating a platelet dysfunction. Such being the case, the utilization of desmopressin and Factor VIII concentrate during the treatment is an efficient treatment option.
Keywords: Bleeding diathesis, gross bleeding, platelet dysfunction, uremia