ISSN 1301 - 0883 | E-ISSN: 1309-3886
Eastern Journal Of Medicine - Eastern J Med: 5 (2)
Volume: 5  Issue: 2 - 2000
1. Antioxidative stress
Y. Dündar, R. Aslan
Pages 45 - 47

2. Diagnostic value of lipid peroxidation in lung cancer
K. Uzun, K. Vural, T. Öztürk, F. Özer, İ. İmecik
Pages 48 - 51

3. Enzymatic detection of minute amounts of cyanobacteria hepatotoxins in liver tissue
A. Şahin
Pages 52 - 54

4.The action of a calcium channel blocker (verapamil) on gallbladder contractions in humans
S. Kapıcıoğlu, Ö. Şentürk, N. Bambul, K. İlgün
Pages 55 - 57

5. Biliary tract reconstruction: Autologous rectus sheat graft in the repair of common bile duct defects : An experimental study
O. Güler, M. Aydın, H. Dilek, B. Bakır, H. Irmak, A. Aras
Pages 58 - 60

6.Genotoxity evaluation in female patients on valproic acid monotherapy using alkaline single cell gel electrophoresis
M. Denli, H.İ. Aydın, R. Dündaröz, T. Özışık, E. Erdem, V. Baltacı
Pages 61 - 65

7. Treatment of refractory generalized status epilepticus continous infusion of midazolam
H. Ulvi, T. Yoldaş, R. Yiğitler, N. Çam, B. Müngen
Pages 66 - 69

8.Herpes simplex encephalitis cases with typical and atypical symptoms confirmed by PCR-amplification of the DNA polymerase gene
G.M. Matar, W.A. Khoudoud, M. Fayad, R. Choueiri, M. Mikati, A.M. Abdelnoor
Pages 70 - 72

9. Detection of escherichia coli 0157: h7 in retail ground beef, raw ground beef patties and raw meat balls sold in van
S. Ağaoğlu, M.T Yavuz, Mustafa Berktaş, H. Güdücüoğlu
Pages 73 - 75

10. Urachal cyst
A. Güray, B. Ermiş, Ö. Özdemir, H. Özbey
Pages 76 - 78

11. Multipl adenolipomas of the breast
Ö. Sağol, U. Pabuçcuoğlu, E. Özen, S. Özkal
Pages 79 - 80
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